
If things don’t change soon, the wild west of the 1800s America will be coming to a city near you, if it hasn’t already arrived.

American Wild West

Sadly, the American ruling class oligarchy has established, or should I say, re-established a new paradigm in America. This new paradigm is the normalization of criminal behavior in American culture. For decades criminal activity has been normalized in the major metropolitan areas administered by Marxist Democrats.  There is no need to run down the list; they are well known cities and states.  These Marxist Democrat oligarchs have talked, and talked, and talked about how they promise to make things better.  Failed as they have, the corrupt political machines keep getting these people “re-elected.”  (I use the term “re-elected” tongue in cheek.)  Nothing has improved in these cities in half a century. Here we are now in the third decade of the 21st century where shoplifting is condoned by city and state governments, mass smash and grab thefts have become common place, and high visibility crimes by high government officials and their families are ignored.  The United States of America, where the rule of law prevailed for over 200 years and became the greatest focal point of individual liberty and human kindness in the history of the world, is descending into a lawless third world country.
In my home town of Missoula, Montana, crime rates are soaring with over a 68% increase since 2020.  And the big city problems mentioned above are not even part of it yet.   If it is happening in Missoula, I suggest it is happening everywhere.  The other supportive data that reinforces my observations is what has happened with firearms sales since the turn of the century.  Even registered Democrats, that might have at one time been anti-gun, are now becoming gun owners and getting training in self-defense. The exception, of course, is the anti-gun oligarchs who employ armed body guards for their protection. In America today, too many in the government oligarchy and their minions want firearms out of the hands of their citizens, as did every tyrant in world history.  Americans are arming themselves because they recognize that law enforcement can’t or won’t protect them from common criminals, and they must be prepared to do it themselves.  Americans are recognizing that the paradigm is shifting back to the paradigm of the last half of the 19th century in the American wild west.  If their government can’t or won’t protect them, then citizens realize they must assume that responsibility. Many American citizens are also watching their government fail to clean up the very visible criminal activities inside of government and no longer assume they can trust government.  This failure of trust stimulates a concern as to why the government might want to curtail citizen’s gun rights.  It did not end well in any country where firearms ownership was severely restricted or curtailed in the past.  That is a history lesson that has not gone unnoticed by American citizens.
"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms . . . disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes . . . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." ~ Thomas Jefferson
The solution is simple and staring us right in the face.  If you like the government that can’t or won’t protect you and would rather you not have the tools to protect yourself, vote Marxist Democrat.  If you don’t trust the government to enforce the law, provide necessary protection, and allow you to keep your guns, vote every Marxist Democrat at every level of government out of office.  If you fail to succeed, you better learn how to be a gunslinger as was your great, great, great grandfather. If things don’t change soon, the wild west of the 1800s America will be coming to a city near you, if it hasn’t already arrived.

Steve Rossiter -- Bio and Archives

After a 55 year career as a professional pilot in the military, in law enforcement, in the private sector, and in federal civil service, I am now retired.

In many of these positions I repeatedly took an oath to defend the United States Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.