
Time is running out to save our Republic

AGENDA: Grinding America Down

AGENDA: Grinding America DownTime is running short to save our Republic from the Marxists in our midst. Over the last half-century, a class of constantly outraged citizens known as progressives, aka socialists, have infiltrated and taken control of virtually every structural institution in our society: the mainstream media, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, our public schools, higher education, major corporations, professional sports leagues, the religious left and, most importantly, the post-1960s Democratic Party. These subversive Americans—including many who swore on to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic—are one election away from totally dismantling our constitutional form of government.

How has this happened?

To understand how America’s traditional principles, values and institutions have been methodically eroded requires first understanding how socialists subvert free societies from within. In perhaps his most revealing quote, Lenin said, “The goal of socialism is communism.” The idea that creeping socialism must precede communism is an acknowledgment that totalitarian rule is so frightening to people in free nations that it must quietly be slipped into those societies in bits and pieces over time. It is through that incremental process that socialism serves as an under-the-radar transitional gateway to the unrelenting oppression of full-blown communism. The “EAT THE RICH” class warfare image about illustrates that gradual subversion—from capitalism (knife and fork) to socialism (fork and sickle) to outright communism (hammer and sickle). If done via stealth and deception, free societies can be overthrown from within in a way that goes virtually unnoticed until it is too late. EAT THE RICH

Time is running out to save our Republic

Most Americans believe communism’s threat to America ended when the Soviet Union collapsed. People who believe that could not be more wrong. In 2010, Idaho legislator Curtis Bowers produced “AGENDA: Grinding America Down,” a feature length documentary about how thoroughly the American progressive movement has subverted virtually the entire spectrum of our culture. In 2016, Bowers produced a sequel titled “AGENDA 2: Masters of Deceit.” Those two documentaries explain in crystal clears terms how the great American experiment in representative democracy is on the verge of being brought to its knees. Please watch the 6-min. movie trailers below, and please share this article with your friends. Time is running out to save our Republic.

AGENDA: Grinding America Down

AGENDA 2: Masters of Deceit

John Eidson -- Bio and Archives

Since 2008, John has written nearly 900 freelance articles distributed (free of charge) exclusively via email to my large e-distribution list. John is a conservative political independent with an electrical engineering degree from Georgia Tech (1968).