
In other words, every appropriations bill must specifically deny funding for ACORN in order for federal funding to cease

ACORN could still get taxpayer funds; whistleblower explains

Although Congress suspended ACORN's federal funding and the Census Bureau and IRS severed ties with ACORN, the scandalized community organizing group could once again receive taxpayer dollars – and soon. In addition, the federal government is still sending money to ACORN through back channels.
In September, both houses of Congress voted overwhelmingly to strip ACORN's funding. However Congress was unable to pass their annual appropriations bills by the October 1 deadline. The Continuing Resolution signed by Barack Obama holds government spending at current levels until Congress can pass the 12 appropriations bills. The current resolution is in effect until October 31. Once the bills are passed, ACORN could once again be eligible for billions in federal taxpayer funds. “There are 12 appropriations bills, each funding different government agencies and programs. Adding the prohibition language to, say, the Transportation funding bill doesn’t stop ACORN from accessing Housing funds,” Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R – Minn.) wrote at Townhall.com. In other words, every appropriations bill must specifically deny funding for ACORN in order for federal funding to cease. Meanwhile, the government had to become increasingly creative in their efforts to fund the group. Just two weeks after Congress suspended funds to the group, the Washington Times reported that the Department of Homeland Security awarded the ACORN Institute, ACORN's non-profit affiliate, just under $1 million in grant money intended for fire departments. ACORN would not explain how the grant money would be used. It appears that the grant money is no longer destined for ACORN. But last year, the group received nearly $500,000 – over half of the grant money meant for Louisiana fire departments. In addition, the ACORN Institute is still eligible to receive money as part of the Combined Federal Campaing, a federal employee charity program. “ACORN Institute is one of the myriad of non profit organizations that function with the express purpose of sending funds to ACORN through Citizens Consulting Inc. (CCI),” Anita MonCrief, a former employee of ACORN, told The US Report. Since leaving the group, MonCrief has exposed the corrupt inner-workings of ACORN. MonCrief continued: “During my time at ACORN I saw that ACORN Institute would apply for grants from charitable organizations that only gave to tax-exempt nonprofits, but the work described in the grant could only be done by ACORN. Like Project Vote, ACORN Institute would then 'contract' with ACORN to complete the promised projects. Also ACORN institute provides a way for wealthy donors like George Soros and Herb Sandler to give to ACORN and still receive a tax credit.” In June, ACORN and its affiliated groups filed a lawsuit to silence MonCrief. Last week the defense fund Fight for Anita was formed to help MonCrief with the expensive legal fees and preserve her First Amendment rights. If the government determined that ACORN was no longer worthy to receive taxpayer funding, they would have slammed the door shut on the nefarious group. But without pressure from taxpayers, the Democrat leadership will continue to fund and provide cover for ACORN. [Originally posted at The US Report]

Chris Carter -- Bio and Archives

Chris Carter is the director of the Victory Institute and the deputy regional director of the U.S. Counterterrorism Advisory Team. His work appears at OpsLens.com, Canada Free Press, The US Report, International Analyst Network, Human Events, Family Security Matters, Deutsche Welle, NavySEALs.com, Blackfive and other publications. A veteran of the U.S. Air Force, non-commissioned officer in the South Carolina State Guard, and retired firefighter.

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