
Let the dialog begin. State leaders can start the process and it can proceed quickly from there. The recent actions of the Progressive Left authorities have made clear how dire our circumstances. Let us pray now for the courage to act and the wisdom

A users guide to the Tenth Amendment and why we need it now

A final straw?

The fools went ahead and did it, they indicted President Donald Trump! This was just the most recent abomination committed by the minions of the illegitimate Biden administration, but it may be the last straw. In just over two years they have made us dependent on foreign energy, they have turned the finest military force in the world into a woke mess more concerned about fighting the climate gods than a real enemy.

They have destroyed our economy with lockdowns and inflation, have turned the forces of the FBI and IRS against ordinary citizens who dare to object to what is being done to their children.

Why now?

They have erased our borders and invited countless criminals, terrorists, drug dealers and foreign agents into our heartland to consume our substance and subvert our culture. They have taken our nation from a shining example for the world and turned it into a weak and impotent sham.

All the world knows that our elections in 2020 and 2022 were allegedly rigged and the results manipulated and have watched us thrash about ignoring the fraud and believing that the next election will be fair and honest— a true definition of insanity.

The world has watched and waited for over two years for us to wake up to reality and take back what was stolen from us. Now they see a corrupt and illegitimate administration seeking to neutralize an honest President while the current pretender to the title wallows in the profits of his political pay-offs from those who seek our destruction.

You may ask why we need the Tenth Amendment now. All that above and more is why. Call it the Left, or the Deep State, or the Elite, these are our true enemies who would turn our freedoms and our honor against us, secure in the impression that our virtues will restrain us from acting against them.

They goad us, thinking that we are like them and will strike out in violence so they will have an excuse to bring all their resources to bear against us. We are better than that, and we are far from that breaking point where we have exhausted our legitimate options to preserve our country and our freedoms.

Taking the Tenth

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. The Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution

Above is the full text of the Tenth Amendment. One sentence, twenty-eight words, written in plain English so any citizen can read it and understand. There is no fine legalese, no hidden conditions, only a reference to the body of the Constitution where the powers specifically granted to the Federal government are clearly stated and reserved.

The Tenth does not require action or approval by the Supreme Court, it does not require an act of Congress, it does not need an Executive Order or permission of any agency. It is the fourth branch of our system of checks and balances that we can use to reset our course and restore our Nation. All it requires is our courage to act.

The founders knew that situations would arise that they could not foresee and that actions would be required beyond those for which they could provide remedy at the time. Given their understanding of history, they could expect that there would be great trials and challenges that would threaten the very fabric of our nation. It was with this understanding that they left us a way to address and correct those circumstances they could not foresee but knew would occur.

It is to us, the People, and to our States to address the crisis that has come upon us where a near silent coup by a totalitarian cabal sees their opportunity to seize the power they crave and to which they feel entitled.

Making it work

The Amendment does not specify how it should be implemented, largely because it could not be known at its writing what circumstances would necessitate its application.

The States can act directly

There are at least three approaches that can be taken. The first is suggested b the Amendment itself. The States themselves can act in any fashion they deem necessary to rectify a situation. Presently, there are a large majority of states, twenty-eight, that have Republican governments. Only nineteen are under Democrat control, with the remaining three divided. A simple conference of State governors could set things in motion within a matter of days, if not hours. Florida and Texas and South Dakota come to mind.

An intermediate solution

A second approach would be by county. Anyone who has looked at a political map of the United States recently has seen the massive number of Republican counties, with Democrat strongholds only among the large urban areas. A vote by the 3,143 counties would likely be overwhelmingly favorable to Republicans. A referendum of counties would take a bit of time, but could still be implemented in a few weeks, at most.

Action by the People

A third approach would be a direct referendum of the entire voting population. Ever since the reign of Obama, the country has been shifting toward Republican to where the balance between Republican and Democrat is nearly equal. In the current situation with the existence of our country at stake, it seems likely that most independent voters as well as a significant number of Democrats would view a reasonable Republican solution favorably.

Voter rules, not voter rolls

It is a given that our current system of elections cannot be trusted to produce an honest result. The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA), and the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) have led to a fundamental corruption of our election systems.

If we were to choose to implement one of the approaches that sought to determine the will of the people, we would have to have a system that prevented the introduction of significant numbers of ghost votes.

Referendum or election, here are the rules

We had such a system before. The system is in person voting using paper ballots with voter identification at assigned poll locations and paper poll books that voters must sign. Local hand counting is fast and accurate and can be completed in a single day.

The key is elimination of electronic voter roll access at polling locations. The rules for voting are simple: a voter must be a citizen, of an appropriate age, must present valid identification, must appear in person, and can only vote once. Provision can be made for a limited number of absentee ballots for those with legitimate excuses, but the practice must not be commonplace.

Back to the Tenth

We now know how to implement a Tenth Amendment referendum or election. What next?

Under current conditions, it seems that the most important question to be asked is:

"Should the current Federal administration be declared illegitimate?"

A yes answer to the question would mean that all Executive Orders, legislative acts, appointments, regulations and any and all acts of the Biden administration would be declared immediately null and void, and Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris would be immediately removed from office.

A no answer would leave things as they are.

A National crisis

Some might argue for a more limited question that would perhaps just modify a few actions, but leave the administration in place, thus avoiding the disruption that the more comprehensive declaration might provoke.

I would remind those who would so argue, that unless a cancer is excised completely it will continue to grow and spread until the organism dies.

Do we really want to give our current cancer nearly two more years to grow? Will we have a free country left? Will we have any country left?

Next question, please

Once that fundamental question is answered, several possibilities remain. Perhaps the Constitutional succession process could come into play so that the Speaker of the House would assume the position of President just as though the President and Vice President had both died. Possibly a new election could be held for a temporary President to serve out the remaining time to 2024. Perhaps it could even be that Donald Trump would be declared the legitimate President to serve until the next election.

What happens when the cabal opposes?

If there is opposition to the expressed will of the People or of the States, that opposition has lost any claim to legitimacy. It would be right and proper for legitimate authority to remove any who seek to retain their power, and to take such measures as might be necessary to secure domestic peace as would be consistent with our Constitutional rights and freedoms. Peaceful protests, yes. Riots no. Survivors to be prosecuted.

In some cases, it may be necessary to remind the urban cabal that we provide and transport their food, purify and supply the water they drink, generate the electricity that powers their cities and generally provide all that they need. They need us. Do we need them? Do they really want to find out?

We are still far from violence

You may note that I am not advocating insurrection, or rebellion, or bloody civil war. What I have discussed is use of our legal rights under our Constitution to address a critical situation in a non-violent way.

The Leftist cabal may choose a violent response. That would be consistent with their history. Poor choices are also consistent with their history. Let the Golden Rule be our guide. We have treated them with the temperance, respect, and consideration by which we would be treated. Let them show us by their actions how they would wish to be treated.

Let the dialog begin. State leaders can start the process and it can proceed quickly from there. The recent actions of the Progressive Left authorities have made clear how dire our circumstances. Let us pray now for the courage to act and the wisdom to choose well.

David Robb -- Bio and Archives

David Robb is a practicing scientist and CTO of a small firm developing new security technologies for detection of drugs and other contraband.  Dave has published extensively in TheBlueStateConservative, and occasionally in American Thinker.