
Will we go quietly into socialism or will we stand up and fight?

A leap toward Socialism

I am angry. Angry and sad and disillusioned. Our President, the leader of our great country, appears to have no problem with deceiving us in order to get his way. How many Americans, both in and out of congress, stood in support of the Healthcare bill because he promised that it was not a tax and did not increase taxes? And do those people feel duped? If not, they should. They were lied to. Plain and simple, the President lied to get his way.
With this ruling, our country took a leap toward Socialism and a giant step toward immorality. What this law does is make us a socialist country and how he did it was immoral. Are we so ground down by the economy that we don't have the will or energy to push back? He's betting on it and, so far, his bets are winners. It's up to us, will we go quietly into socialism or will we stand up and fight. It's our choice. Mrs. Sylvia E. Warren Englewood, FL

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