
The minds of the Iranian people must be free from superstition and the Islamic mentality before we can have a free Iran.

A Gathering in Honour of Shahpour Alireza Pahlavi in Toronto

Last night I had the pleasure of attending an event in honour of Shahpour Alireza Pahlavi, which was organized by the “Movement to Support Freedom in Iran.” This event set itself apart from other events that have been organized in honour of Alireza Pahlavi in Toronto, because it was announced from the very beginning that this was a “political” event. This was a welcome change, it was honest and upfront; how can the death of a young man, who loved Iran and spent years of his life studying its history and civilization be anything but political?
Last night we heard from a number of Toronto activists who shared their love for Iran and sympathies for the Pahlavi. The key speaker tonight was the renowned Dr. Massoud Ansari who is well known for his opposition to the Islamic Regime, and Islamism which he stated was the root to the current troubles we are having in Iran. One of the most important things Dr. Ansari said was that the Mullah’s are the “waste” the “vomit” that has come out of Islam. If we remove the Mullah’s they can be replaced by the Sheikh, and if the Sheikh is removed it can be replaced by another Islamic “persona.” It is necessary for the root of the problem to be removed from the Iranian society; the minds of the Iranian people must be free from superstition and the Islamic mentality before we can have a free Iran. This was the first event I have attended in Toronto in a long time where speakers took such a clear stand against the Islamic Regime and the Islamic ideology, and it was truly a welcome change from the general “non-political” events. My sympathies are with the Pahlavi family who have lost a loved one, as well as with the families of all activists who have been executed or lost their lives in one way or another at the hands of the Islamic Regime including Hossein Khezri a Kurdish activist who was executed on Saturday morning. Down with the Islamic Regime in Iran Long Live Freedom in Iran

Sayeh Hassan -- Bio and Archives

Sayeh Hassan is a Toronto based Barrister & Solicitor and owner of Shiro-khorshid-forever.