
Accountability and Responsibility for our actions are not as painful as many would like to make them out to be

2011:  A Year That We Can Reject Those Who Want To Divide Us

In 2011 we have to reject the tactic of divide that is being used by the Left. Race baiting and how it continues to attempt to take the high ground when their own history tells a different story. The Tea Party is not Racist and to have a United front in preserving our Republic we cannot allow for these tactics to be used, or to fall into the trap of having to defend ourselves time and again because we disagree with the policies of the current administration.
It is disgraceful that these tactics are employed and only goes to show that if these tactics are the ones that some have to hide behind, they themselves may be the ones that truly harbor racist sentiments. 2011 is a year to reject! It is long overdue to teach some of the real history when it comes to whom have been the real provocateurs of racism in America. 2011 is a year that we as Americans have to rise above a hand out society and demand that once again we become a hand up society where we do help our fellow citizens, but we do not place them in convenient boxes to pit one against another. The long and sordid history of using division as a tactic to oppress people and to intimidate them into not speaking the truth was on full display in 2010. We witnessed this with the class warfare card that was employed recently and how those on the Left continue to use this to not allow the fact that we are in serious peril fiscally. The blame does not only reside with those of wealth but the actions of all of us combined. I had a teacher that I greatly admired not only for the lessons he taught, but for a life lesson that many of my fellow students might have dismissed over the years. On his chalkboard he had written,
" Responsibility: Accepting the consequences for ones actions"
Today this basic lesson seems to escape many, we see it in the fact that no one wants to admit that through our own actions we helped facilitate the economic situation that we face today. Granted, many factors go into it including the actions of the government that allowed for it to occur by disregarding the clear common sense of policies that they allowed and pushed for which would eventually burst the bubble that they helped create. Shared responsibility lands at the feet of bankers and others that disregarded the basic common sense principles of their institutions of lending. Responsibility lies at each and every one of our feet as well for going about borrowing and spending money that we knew in the backs of our heads we could not possibly pay back. Today more than ever we have allowed for common sense to be replaced by personal greed. Yes, personal greed! I understand that many do not want to face this reality, but we are victims of our own making and the time has come that we accept some of the shared responsibility for our actions. If we do not start looking at ourselves and cleaning up some of our own habits how can we ever expect to change the habits of our governments and those that business's exhibit? Allowing for those that want to use division as a tactic to hold us apart from one another will only work so long as we allow it to. 2011 does not have to be a year that we allow for this to continue. 2010 has been a year that the tactics of divide ushered in riots all across Europe. It has also been a year that the gulf separating people of opposing ideologies has been allowed to reignite shameful prejudices based upon race and social economical lines. The disgraceful way that those on the Left have gone about this practice reflects the very fact that the roots to these hatreds did not go away. It has been simmering in the background waiting for the opportunity to be used to push an agenda that is not in the best interest to a population that demands responsibility from its leaders from all backgrounds and all organizations. We as a society have a hard decision to make. Are we going to continue down the path of divide and all of the destructive consequences that will occur if we allow it to continue? Or are we going to start to own up and say that we have had enough and not allow for these real provocateurs of hate a place at the table? Real lessons of history need to be taught to our children and also our fellow adults. The truth to whom in the past have employed tactics of hate and division needs to once again find the light of day. February is Black History month. This year while we are learning about all of the atrocities that did occur in the past with slavery we need to also teach that many more occurred in the years following the passage of the 13th amendment. The time has come to reveal some of the darker parts of history that is not taught because of the stranglehold that the liberals hold on the media and on education in this country because if the truth was actually taught the Democrat Party would lose its largest base. In 2011 it does need to be taught that the KKK originated in the Democrat Party in opposition to Republicans support of the Black community. It needs to be taught that the first Black politicians found a home in the Republican Party because they were shunned by the Democrats. It needs to be taught that Planned Parenthood has been destructive to the Black community the most and that the founder promoted Eugenics and the desire to eliminate "undesirables". This is an organization that today is supported by Democrats and those on the left but the history is not taught in its proper context. It should be pointed out that segregation and racism found a home on the left not the right, from Woodrow Wilson, FDR, to LBJ and Al Gore Sr. In 2011 it should be taught properly that many of the "entitlement" programs such as those from the "Great Society" have actually been the most destructive to an entire community, helping facilitate dependency and the destruction of the family unit in not only the Black community but also those of all races. When we continue to reward bad behavior we punish good behavior, in doing so we have not encouraged responsibility nor the accountability for our actions. These lesson have helped contribute to prolong the so called war on poverty and has helped create the opportunity for those who use these oppressive means as a tool to propagate division. This May we should point out that while we have many that like to use the class warfare card to continue along the path of divide that its roots are deep and destructive as well. I mention May because this is traditionally the time that is celebrated by those who have used class warfare in the past to push the agenda of division of classes the most. The truth needs to be taught that socialism and communism have been a blight on mankind throughout its history. Millions of deaths can be contributed to this ideology directly and those who suffer the most under it are those who were fooled into believing that it was going to be their salvation. What is not being taught any longer is that it does not create equality, but further elaborates a real and definitive gulf between the rich and the poor. It hinders individuality and promotes dependency that allows for control to replace freedom. 2011 does not have to be a year that we allow further divide to occur, we have an opportunity to stand in opposition to those who have used the tool of race baiting and class warfare to bring us to the brink of civil unrest. In 2010 we witnessed those that have attempted at every turn to employ these tactics to nudge us one step closer to this goal, for that they are a disgraceful part of our society and should be rejected at every turn! Let's start healing these wounds in the new year and not go the path of civil unrest that we are witnessing across the globe. Accountability and Responsibility for our actions are not as painful as many would like to make them out to be, we all hold a piece of the pie in the overall picture and it is time that we recognize this fact! To bring about the healing of this nation we cannot keep allowing for the real truth to go untold as it only allows those that are unaware to fall prey to those who would like to pull their strings for their own agenda. In closing, I do hope in this new year that instead of further division we can start uniting and be responsible enough to do some of the harder things that we may not want to do, but will allow for a real recovery to occur.

Robert Rohlfing -- Bio and Archives

Robert Rohlfing writes about Liberty and the Preservation of Freedoms.