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Canada Free Press 2006 Archives: Paul Belien

  1. Father of Thirty Says "Give Me a Break"
  2. Dispatch from the Eurabian Front: I'm Dreaming of a Halal Christmas
  3. Marital Import: The Cause of Europe's Rapid Islamization
  4. The Threat of Lawful Islamism and the Need to Fight It
  5. Criticism of Election Manipulation Angers Dutch Turks
  6. Trojan Horse: Ankara Influenced Dutch Election Results
  7. Dutch Government Attempts to Close Islamic School... by August
  8. Pigs to the rescue
  9. America's Future is Red, Europe's is Green
  10. Cherchez la Femme: Ségolène Royal vs Bernadette Chirac
  11. On the Fall of the Wall, US Elections and Guatemalan Birth Rates
  12. A Recipe for Defeat: Europe is Pelosi's America
  13. The Rape of Europe
  14. Turning Red: Immigrants Tip the Balance in Belgian Local Elections
  15. Church of England Criticizes Preferential Treatment of Muslims
  16. Civil War in Europe – Hardly Mentioned in the Press
  17. Death Threats in Brussels, France (Robert Redeker)
  18. Third Night of Ramadan Rioting in Capital of Europe
  19. Communism Killed 100 Million People and All I Got Was This Lousy Democracy
  20. Dispatch from the Eurabian Front: Sense & Nonsense
  21. Google Meets the Belgians
  22. Is Islam Dying? Europe Certainly Is
  23. Dalrymple on Decadence, Europe, America and Islam
  24. Grey Wolves in Politics: The Immigrant Far-Right Joins the European Left
  25. Charlemagne at the FT, on Sarkozy
  26. Belgian Statistics
  27. Belgian Authorities Destroy Holocaust Records
  28. Racial Profiling? Breaking a Taboo
  29. The Many Faces of Belgian Fascism
  30. Belgian Regime Keeps Harassing The Brussels Journal (2)
  31. Want to Die? You'll Have to Wait
  32. Manchester Provides Homes with Loos for Muslims
  33. Govt Sponsored Website Censors Fjordman
  34. Putin's Pinnacle of Power
  35. Europe Must Find its Roots in America
  36. Coping With Islam: Censorship in Dutch Academia
  37. Déjà-Vu: Pedophile Murders Shock Belgians
  38. "Youths" Kick Man to Death on Crowded Antwerp Bus
  39. Gorillas Chasing Bubbles:
    Spain Enters New Age of Enlightenment

  40. Crackdown on Homeschoolers: It's the UN Wot Done It
  41. Left Wins in Slovakia. Thank You EU
  42. Brussels Journal Editor Threatened with Prosecution over Homeschooling
  43. Go West: Poles and Balts Head for British Isles
  44. Dutch Fear Muslim Reaction to Hirsi Ali's Gay Movie
  45. French Jews Feel Abandoned. Tension in Suburbs
  46. For Whom the Bell Tolls
  47. If I Get Hurt, Blame Father Leman
  48. Is this the end?
  49. Antwerp Massacre: Turning the World into Hell
  50. Bishops in Ever Deeper Pickle over Support for Illegal Aliens
  51. Vatican Supports Church Occupations by Illegal Immigrants
  52. A Lesson on Europe Day: Limited Government Works Best
  53. Muhammad Takes Over Protestant Church
  54. Allah Takes Over Church
  55. Belgian Church Organizes Illegal Immigrants
  56. Dutch Worry About Radical Muslims in the Military
  57. Belgian Government Clashes with Judiciary Over Apologies to North Africans
  58. MP3 Murderers Said to Be Polish Gypsies
  59. Thousands Protest Brussels MP3 Murder. BBC Omits Facts
  60. Van Holsbeeck Murder: Bending Over Backwards in Brussels
  61. Murder Shocks Brussels While PM and Cardinal Blame Victims
  62. The Strange Transformation of Marxism
  63. France Beyond Remedy: Sarkozy a Worthy Dauphin of Chirac
  64. Dispatch from the Eurabian Front: Germany, Sweden, Belgium
  65. The Collapse of France: Grab What You Can Get
  66. Brussels Prosecutes Aramaic Priest and Fugitive for Islamophobia
  67. France: Pity the Students
  68. Dispatch from the Eurabian Front: Socialist Equilibrists Try Not to Fall
  69. Dutch Socialist Leader in Fear of Muslim Party Members
  70. Saint Patrick's Day
  71. Amsterdam: The War Over a Cross. Who Wins?
  72. Belgium Allows Terrorist to Escape
  73. Muslim Vote Tips the Balance in Netherlands
  74. Obsessed with Constitution as Europe Sinks
  75. The Vodka War (and the Beer War, Too)
  76. Divided House: Dutch Debate Nature of Europe's Culture War
  77. Anti-Jihad Manifesto Misses the Point
  78. Former Soviet Dissident Warns For EU Dictatorship
  79. In Defence of a Scoundrel
  80. Turkey Denies Demanding Danish Apologies. Finns Fire Editor
  81. The Closing of Civilization in Europe
  82. The Quislings of Eurabia
  83. Allah Conquers the United Nations
  84. Eurabia Scholars Gather in The Hague
  85. Jesus Christ Sacks Minister over Muhammad
  86. Dutch Vexed with Solana, Europeans Quarrel over Cartoons
  87. Don't Burn Muhammad
  88. ≈land vs EU: David Confronts Goliath
  89. Muslims Create Islamophobes, Then Want Islamophobes Punished
  90. The Betrayal of Denmark (and of Us All)
  91. Muslims Demonstrate in Brussels, Antwerp
  92. Send a Message to the Swedish
  93. The Other Culture War: EU Brings Down Slovak Government
  94. Dispatch from the Eurabian Front: The End of Carnival
  95. The Cartoon Hoax
  96. Live Free or Die
  97. War of the Cartoons: Belgians in a Pickle
  98. Cartoon War Leads to Role Reversal, Makes First Victim
  99. Muslim Radical Defends Freedom of Speech, Deplores Europe's Hypocrisy
  100. Brussels Helped Iran Acquire Nuclear Tool
  101. Take Note Cardiff: We Are All Danes Now
  102. Buy Danish. Nothing Rotten in the State of Denmark
  103. Conservative MP Fined for Homophobia
  104. Dispatch from the Eurabian Front: Brussels, Berlin, Rotterdam
  105. Racist Murder Shocks Brussels Africans
  106. European Appeasement Reinforces Muslim Extremism
  107. Dutch Introduce Exams for Immigrants, Consider Army Drill for Youths
  108. European Parliament Supports Gay Marriage
  109. Gray Heading for Europe, Diplomats Heading Out
  110. Segregation in the Netherlands
  111. Dispatch from the Eurabian Front: Poles vs Gays vs Muslims
  112. Meet the Mayor of Brussels: She's a Muslim
  113. Austria and Denmark Fear American-Style Supreme Court
  114. Best Buy: Privatised Healthcare Systems in Europe
  115. An Australian in Paris (2)
  116. Conscience, How Dost Thou Afflict Me!
  117. An Australian in Paris
  118. What Can This "European of the Year" Teach Us?
  119. Russia's Ugly Show Is a Warning for Europe
  120. KGB Tightens Screws on Ukraine

Canada Free Press, CFP Editor Judi McLeod