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Arthur Weinreb Archives 2005

  1. Guns aren't the problem
  2. The days of "Scary Stephen" are over
  3. Nostalgia for Jean Chretien
  4. Paul Martin's hypocrisy on same sex marriage
  5. Paul Martin -- he's way past arrogant
  6. Can a Conservative minority govern?
  7. Canadians prepared to re-elect corrupt government
  8. Will Canada ever take security seriously?
  9. Child-care--a choice about choice
  10. Homolka still benefiting from political correctness
  11. Liberals in a panic over Quebec
  12. McGuinty should repeal the Taxpayer Protection Act
  13. Liberals couldn't care less about the poor
  14. The dreaded winter election
  15. Let's not forget Dingwall's gum
  16. Justice: Paul Martin style
  17. Hey guys -- leave Dalton alone on this one
  18. Paul Martin feigns concern for Christians
  19. Over 1/3 of Canadians: Bush more dangerous than bin Laden
  20. Me? Play politics? Never!!!
  21. French-style riots won't happen in Canada
  22. Harper does it to Ontario - again
  23. The optometrists among us
  24. If Martin's telling the truth -- we're all in trouble
  25. Will there be a snap election?
  26. Government racism is alive and well in Canada
  27. I'd rather be an adverb than a judge
  28. Reaction to gun violence is anger not fear
  29. When all else fails--blame the Americans
  30. The greatest Canadian that ever lived
  31. Dalton McGuinty told welfare state is bad
  32. Nickels and dimes could bring the Martin government down
  33. How conservative is Alberta?
  34. A return to segregation
  35. Paying off Dingwall
  36. Martin Liberals – worse than Adscam
  37. Merger killed conservatism in Canada
  38. Two mothers' grief
  39. Doughnuts for Dingwall
  40. A sensible McGuinty decision
  41. Liberal anger over CBC lockout — right on cue
  42. The rise and fall of Mullah McGuinty
  43. Bush accused of racism--because he's Bush
  44. Almost half of Canadians want oil companies nationalized
  45. Martin should get a pass on Katrina delay
  46. RFK Jr.'s God
  47. Cotler gets it - almost
  48. Paul Martin's an addict
  49. In defense of suicide bombers
  50. Dalton: say it ain't so!
  51. Martin to Canadians: don't even think about helping Iraq
  52. Paul Martin: trust me. Stephen Harper: okay
  53. Ontario -- can't even secure their own buildingst
  54. Michaëlle Jean — a great Canadian
  55. Ontario Premier to U.S. Ambassador: It's your fault
  56. Ethnic labelling — a step backwards
  57. Harper happy with Martin's Governor General appointment
  58. Dalton "Actionman" McGuinty
  59. Canada — U.S. border works both ways
  60. Smoking in New Jersey
  61. Martin's meeting with imams — nothing more than a pr exercise
  62. Enviros not happy with climate pact
  63. Anti-American MP slams Defence Chief
  64. London cops right to shoot to kill
  65. Canada should follow U.S. in Daylight Savings Time change
  66. Treating voters like children by Nanny Sorbara
  67. The real danger to Canada
  68. Obesity — here come the laws
  69. Terrorism: too many Canadians still don't get it
  70. Karla knows exactly what she's doing
  71. Ontario should hold Lie 12 concerts
  72. Ambassador tells truth to Americans after government lies to Canadians
  73. Harper can't handle the media
  74. Bob Geldof – trying to keep up with the Bonos
  75. Do we really need an ethics commissioner?
  76. Technological change can't be ignored
  77. Chaoulli decision was not judicial activism
  78. Order of Canada -- losing credibility
  79. Dalton McGuinty--he's finally got the hang of it
  80. Ministerial responsibility — a relic of the past
  81. The latest "Canadian terrorist"
  82. Adscam -- it's much worse than Watergate
  83. Karla shouldn't face any more charges
  84. Amnesty International should just be ignored
  85. Parents should be responsible for children's health
  86. Brison and Belinda — there's no comparison
  87. What if the PCs and the Alliance had not merged?
  88. Bibles return to New Brunswick hospital
  89. If you don't like the Liberals--you don't like Canada
  90. The death of responsible government
  91. Parliament of Canada — now that's entertainment
  92. Dalton could never be this honest
  93. Has Canada jumped the shark?
  94. Joe Volpe — continuing the tradition
  95. Conservatives need an election now
  96. Runaway bride should be charged
  97. Canada should abolish democracy
  98. So where do judges come from?
  99. McGuinty kicks Martin when he's down
  100. Election looms as Liberals buy ethnic votes
  101. Opposition should pull the plug
  102. Three years for letting daughter die of dehydration
  103. Greg Sorbara gives half an economics lecture
  104. Liberals defy logic as panic sets in
  105. Dalton McGuinty goes gag gag
  106. Adscam: do many Canadians care?
  107. Leader of the Opposition opposes - almost
  108. Dalton doesn't go to the movies
  109. Terri's wishes
  110. Should there be an Air India inquiry?
  111. Schiavo court orders don't mention "feeding tubes"
  112. Air India bombing, racism and multiculturalism
  113. Coming to a province near you
  114. Her Majesty's Loyal Abstainers
  115. "Government can't be bought" - McGuinty
  116. Will Martin lecture Bush on human rights?
  117. Things the Liberals don't want to talk about
  118. Death in Alberta — where was the Gun Registry?
  119. Harper dawdles while Martin dithers
  120. The incredible shrinking Bill Graham
  121. Harper's reaction to the budget
  122. McGuinty battles the evils of socialism
  123. What do kids do all day in school?
  124. Martin should resign
  125. Civil bar mitzvahs
  126. Immigration is right to bar the disabled
  127. In defence of Jean Chretien
  128. An alternative to "ban it!"
  129. Outsourcing the flag
  130. Police should release child porn victim's picture
  131. Sgro should drop her lawsuit
  132. Public suicide may have backfired
  133. Government to churches: no right to speak out against same sex marriage
  134. Refreshing bits of political honesty
  135. Martin's twisted notion of Human Rights
  136. Harper does it again
  137. Dalton McGuinty flirts with the truth
  138. Keep Sgro out of Cabinet
  139. Prince Harry: the smoking Nazi
  140. Wild about "mild"
  141. Throwing good money after bad
  142. Paul Martin--Bubba of the north
  143. Minna replaces Parrish as Canadian government's top America-basher
  144. Canadians don't care about the flag
  145. 2004 — Year of the nanny

Canada Free Press, CFP Editor Judi McLeod