
$180 million are earmarked for Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador

$180 million United States dollars are earmarked in FY 2019 for humanitarian aid and economic development for Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. Yet, hordes of people from those same countries are allegedly fleeing poverty and crime. A CBS's 60 Minutes report says that coyotes are paid around $9,000 for every man, woman and child brought into our country. How does a family of 4, fleeing poverty, come up with $36,000 to get safe passage? It just doesn't add up. Someone is financing those migrants. Who? Why? Both are questions that need answering. President Trump is 100% right, we need to stop aid to those countries until we are able to insure that it will be used as intended. It is painfully obvious that our money is not reaching the people in need. The bottom line is that our current strategy is not working. We send money to make their lives better and they still flood into our country.

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